
Fixes surface level mistakes including: typos, misspellings, punctuation and grammatical errors, and inconsistencies.

Hover for pricing.


Word                       $0.01

Page                       $2.50

Hour                           $25


Improves overall quality of your writing by enhancing the language for clarity, readability, and smooth narration.

Hover for pricing.


Word                     $0.011

Page                       $2.75

Hour                     $27.50

Beta Reading

An unbiased reading of your full work to help you with story flow, characterization, tone, and reader engagement.

Hover for pricing.

Beta Reading

Word                     $0.021

Page                       $5.25

Hour                           $42

Write Blog Post

Thorough research into your topic, personal experience, or both will go into a blog size article for your website.

Hover for pricing.

Write Blog Post

Word                            $0.21

Page                               N/A

Hour                                $35

Creative Writing

Whether you have an idea for a story or not one will be written to fit your desired word count and any other specifications.

Hover for pricing.

Creative Writing

Word                          $0.175

Page                               N/A

Hour                          $32.50